Welcome to the Pacific Supervisor Register
Connecting Higher Degree Research students, academics and other interested stakeholders working on projects relevant to the Pacific Islands.
The Pacific Supervisor Register is a comprehensive, searchable database of academics supervising Higher Degree Research students in the Pacific Island region. The Register is for anyone involved or interested in Pacific Island research – a place to connect with academics in the field, create collaboration opportunities, and identify potential supervisors for Higher Degree Research (HDR).
The Pacific Supervisor Register is an important tool for connecting academics and HDR students from Pacific Island countries and Australia to strengthen networks and the capacity to perform research across the Pacific. For students, the Pacific Supervisor Register offers a one-stop-shop for identifying potential supervisors for Higher Degree Research (HDR), rather than trawling university websites individually in search of HDR supervisor lists.
For supervisors, the Register is a place to profile current work and past experience, and to find peers conducting similar research for knowledge sharing and collaboration opportunities.
Search the Register and create your own profile to join the growing community of academics focused on building research capacity and knowledge of the Pacific Island region.
This resource will enable research students, academics and other interested stakeholders working on projects relevant to the Pacific Islands to be able to easily find key information on supervisors, including their expertise and capacity to supervise HDR students without having to search through numerous websites and information sources.
It is a helpful resource that can be used to identify HDR supervisors, increase the pool of potential HDR supervisors available to PASS-CR scholars and increase awareness of opportunities amongst potential supervisors to participate in Pacific research.
HDR supervisors in Australia and in the Pacific, who have an interest in Pacific Island Research.
To be eligible to join the register you are required to meet the requirements for HDR Principal supervisors and co-supervisors that apply to your institution.
The Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research (ACPIR) is a multidisciplinary research centre that provides a focal point for the expertise and experience of researchers connected through their capacity to make a significant contribution to knowledge and impact in the areas of primary production, community health and the environment in the Pacific Islands region. ACPIR is concerned with developing practical evidence-based solutions in collaboration with Pacific peoples to address such concerns and develop sustainable pathways for the futures to which they aspire.
As part of the Australian Government’s Pacific Step-up Strategy, the ACIAR Pacific Agriculture Scholarships, Support and Climate Resilience (PASS-CR) Program works with Pacific universities and their regional partners to foster thriving agricultural research education and innovation systems across the region.
The Program builds on the strengths of our partners to enhance research capacity and knowledge of Pacific agriculture, forestry, and fisheries. It invests in students, academics, and institutions, equipping them to address the challenges facing Pacific agriculture now, and into the future.
Within the ACIAR PASS-CR program and as an ACIAR resource, this Pacific Supervisor Register’s objective is to
The PASS-CR Program is delivered by the Australian Centre for Pacific Islands Research (ACPIR) at the University of the Sunshine Coast (UniSC) in partnership with the University of the South Pacific and Fiji National University.
The Pacific Agricultural Information System (PAIS) is an online research information system that houses digital records of a wide range of research activities implemented nationally or regionally across the Pacific.
PAIS has been over 30 years in the making and grew out of a grassroots’ initiative to provide better access to and use of agricultural information in the region and preserve the literary heritage in the region.
Write a brief report here.